What were the causes of the struggle of peasants of Awadh?


In Awadh the struggle was led by Baba Ramachandra. In June 1920 Jawaharlal Nehru began going to the village of Awadh and talking to the villagers and trying to understand their grievances.

By October he formed the Oudh Kisan Sabha with the support of Baba Ramchandra and his supporters.

The Sabha was formed to solve the grievances of the people of villages in different situations. This movement was against the tulakdars and the landlords who demanded extraordinary rent from the peasents. Peasants even had to do beggar and to work at the landlord's farms without payment. As tenants s they had no security of a job, were regularly evicted, and could not claim any right over the leased land.

The congress was of the view to integrate the peasant struggle into the bigger movement. But the peasant movement developed into a form of struggle which is not favored by the congress leaders.

The houses of the merchants and the tulakdars were attacked, the bazaar was looted, and grains were hoarded. The rumors like, not to pay taxes as declared by Gandhi Ji. the name of Mahatma was used to sanction all actions and aspirations.

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